Welcome Buyers and Contract Representatives. This is a unique matchmaking event. You will have the opportunity to meet with only those businesses you select from the capability matrix. The meetings will be scheduled in thirty minute increments. The matrix will be provided to you mid-April to early May. Updates will be provided on a weekly basis.
Richard (Ric) Slater will be your contact for the Matchmaking activities and will coordinate with you to schedule those meetings. Companies you will be able to see will include suppliers, advanced manufacturers as well as tech innovations. We are going to vet, prepare and train the businesses. They will also have a capability statement to share with you.
Contact Information for PRIMES to Register for MatchMaking:
Email: ricslater2021@gmail.com I Phone: 832-977-6111
Ric Slater - Retired NASA-Johnson Space Center: Civil Servant (31 years) IT Security, Imagery Operations, Business Operations Office Chief, and Small Business Specialist.
As Small Business Specialist, Ric worked with 15 NASA JSC Prime Contractors, benchmarking with NASA Centers and solutions that really work for Small Businesses.